Last year I was invited to participate as an exhibitor at the Adobe Creative Meet Up Madrid. I decided to make some prints for the event.
I created 3 illustrations based on iconic materials and objects from Malasaña Madrid neighborhood. This gave me the opportunity to explore different spherical shapes and materials and try to recreate impossible sculptures.
The result are 3 prints based on wood, metals and ropes.
El año pasado fuí invitado a participar como expositor en el Adobe Creative Meet Up Madrid. Decidi crear una serie de láminas para el evento.
Creé 3 Ilustraciones basadas en materiales y objetos icónicos del barrio de Madrid. Utilicé la oportunidad para explorar diferentes formas esféricas y materiales y tratar de recrear esculturas imposibles.
El resultado son 3 láminas basadas en la madera, los metales y la cuerda.
Personal Project
10 October 2017
Art Direction , 3D , Print